The artist studied art in Paris, and by 1889 was living at 6 Bellair Terrace in St Ives. However, his sending-in address remained in Paris until 1895 (J&G). A strong member of the Artists' Cricket Team from 1901, he was given a complimentary dinner for services to the Cricket Club in 1912 .
In 1903 he became President of the St Ives Arts Club, and In the same year also became Captain of the West Cornwall Golf Club. His painting Sabot Makers was exhibited at Show Day, March 1909. After his term as President of the Arts Club, he served on the Hanging Committee for Lanham's Gallery. A studio fire in the early 1920s destroyed a large quantity of his paintings.
Painter of portraits
works and access
Works Include: Sabot Makers (1909); A portrait of Mrs Secritt (1914), The Mirror; French Haymakers; Prodigal (1920)
St Ives Show Day (1) March 1909, Show Day 1920
RA (1) 1914, (1) 1920
STIAC (President 1903)
Cornish Telegraph 25 Mar 1909
St Ives Times 8 May 1914, 5 March 1920
Hardie (2009) Artists in Newlyn and West Cornwall (p321)
Tovey (2009) St Ives: Social History (extensive info)
Whybrow (1994) St Ives