Averil Salmond MacKenzie GRIEVE
Born into a wealthy and distinguished family near Uckfield, Sussex, she grew up mainly in Castle Hill House, Torrington, Devon. Her private tutor, Francis James, was a flower painter and inspired her interest in art, and after the death of her father in 1918 she went to Florence to study at Marfori Savini's studio.
Accompanied by her mother, she returned to England as Fascism took hold in Italy, settling in St Ives where her interest in book illustration developed into wood engraving. At the 1924 Show Day in St Ives she was noticed for her 'very effective' wood engraving entitled The New Italy, showing Mussolini reviewing his troops. Having hoped to study under Alfred HARTLEY - his health at this time making it impossible - she attended the Walter SIMPSON School for a short time, but afterwards remarked "it was not the tuition I needed".
Primarily a wood engraver and author, she also exhibited illuminated work with fine lettering and decorative wooden boxes. In 1925 she married Cyril Drummond le Gros Clark in St Ives, and they travelled on postings to China and Sarawak. She exhibited in the 1928 Summer Exhibition at NAG under her married name Le Gros Clark, and showed three works: Rice Fields, The Poet Chu Yuan and Schloss Tauffers: Tyrol. Returning from the Far East in 1936, she continued to travel extensively, devoting more time to writing than art. Her husband was killed in a Japanese prisoner of war camp in WWII. She later married John Keevil, the medical historian.
She died in Robertsbridge, East Sussex, predeceased by her husband.
Painter, wood engraver, book illustrator and author
works and access
Works include: The New Italy (1924); Rice Fields; The Poet Chu Yuan and Schloss Tauffers: Tyrol (all c1928)
Her books illustrate her artwork
Clark le G (1931) Translation of selected poems by Su Tung P'o (1036-1101) illus, with woodcuts
Grieve (1959) A Race of Green Ginger, her experiences in South China;
Grieve (1970) Time and Chance, Autobiography
St Ives March 1924 (woodcuts and decorative wooden boxes); at the Fire Station Studio 1928
STISA Show Day 1924, as Averil le Gros Clark Show Day 1928
STISA c1928-c1931
St Ives Times 21 Mar 1924
le G Clark (1931) Translation of selected poems by Su Tung P'o (1036-1101) (illus, with woodcuts)
Grieve (1959) A Race of Green Ginger, her experiences in South China;
Grieve (1970) Time and Chance, Autobiography;
Hardie (2009) Artists in Newlyn and West Cornwall
Tovey (2003) Creating a Splash (photo likeness)
(2010) Sea Change
Whybrow (1994) St Ives (1911-20 list pp 216-8, and 1921-39 list pp 220-1)