Avis Louisa PHILP

Avis Louisa PHILP

Avis Louisa Philp (nee Nickels) is listed in the 1891 Census as the 37 year old Artist/portrait painter wife of Richard Philp, born in Fowey and living at 14 Alverton Terrace, Penzance. They were married in the Kensington district of London in 1889.

Another (or the same?) Miss Avis Philp is listed in The Year's Art for some years (1894 ff) as living in London.

A correspondent in 2020 has advised us that he is in possession of a painting (oil on board) by Avis Philp dated 1890, which he believes came from a sale of Heligan House contents.


1891 Census

Hardie (2009) Artists in Newlyn & West Cornwall;

The Year's Art;