Carolyn Thompson lives on the Lizard peninsula. She was born and educated in London and spent many years in Somerset before moving to Cornwall in 2017. She has a BA (Hons) in Textile Design & Printmaking. This was followed by a Central School Diploma in Printed & Woven Textile Design. She also has a postgraduate diploma in Fine Art and an M Ed in Museum & Gallery Education.

Thompson has worked both as an artist and an art educator in many different forms. She says her work has developed through a close association with the act of walking in different environments. Her work has been shown in London and throughout the south-west.

She is a regular exhibitor at STISA open shows.


Painting, printmaking


Open Studios Cornwall 2018; 2019; 2020 (postponed); 2022; 2023

2018: STISA Christmas Open Exhibition (24 Nov-2 Jan)

2019: STISA Spring Open Exhibition (4-24 May)

2019: STISA Christmas Open Exhibition (16 Nov-2 Jan)

2019: Imagine Falmouth, Falmouth Art Gallery (23 Nov-18 Jan)