Frederick Wilton Litchfield STOCKDALE
He was primarily a topographer, working as assistant to the Military Secretary to the East India Company until, due to ill health, he was compelled to resign. However, despite this, he contributed prolifically to topographical works. Stockdale also exhibited in the Royal Academy.
He produced a watercolour of St Erth Church, probably painted during his tour of Cornwall around 1820-22, for the book Excursions in Cornwall, published in 1824 by W Simpson and R Marshall of London.
Topographer, illustrator.
works and access
Works Include: St Erth Church (c1820)
Access to Work: Foundry Gallery, Hayle
Stockdale's work can be found in various publications: Excursions in Cornwall (Simpson & Marshall, London1824); Etchings...of Antiquities in...Kent (1810); A Concise...Sketch of Hastings, Winchelsea and Rye (1817); The Antiquarian and Topographical Cabinet (1812); Excursions in Cornwall (1824); The Cornish Tourist (1834); The Beauties of England and Wales (1801-13); Antiquarian Itinerary (1818); Ackerman's Repository (1825-28)
Foundry Gallery, Hayle