Ernest Robert Ireland BLACKBURNE
Ireland Blackburne

Bednar has identified this artist as being born in Chester on 14 April, 1864 (GRO) who lived at 112 Fore Street, Newlyn for a decade from 1890. The 1891 Census lists him as S K M Blackburn, an Artist Painter, born in Cheshire lodging in the home of Eliza Trahair and her daughters, the latter being milliners and dressmakers. A fellow artist sharing the lodgings was Frederic MILLARD.

Correspondent Bill Curnow added to our biographical information on this artist with the following: 'On 14 May 1898 Ernest Robert Ireland Blackburne (34, artist, of Newlyn, son of John Ireland Blackburne, wine merchant) married Mildred Emily Perkins (19, of Newlyn, daughter of Thomas Norwood Perkins). What adds a bit of spice and color to the story is the fact that young Mildred's father was the Vicar of St. Peter's, Newlyn, where the marriage took place.'

With the Cornish painters he exhibited at Dowdeswells (1890) and at Nottingham Castle (1894). At the 1895 opening at NAG: 'Mr Ireland B is represented by one of his Academy canvases, The Song of the Sea Birds and a new picture of Marazion Marsh, which is quite in his best manner.'  Though no sales appear for the artist in the Sales Record of the Newlyn Art Gallery, Blackburne took part in 1902 exhibition organised for those associated with the Cornish colonies at Whitechapel Art Gallery in 1902, with his painting A Wind-swept Wessex Valley.

From Newlyn he moved in 1900 to Dorset, living near Poole in the village of Lilliput, where he died, aged 83.


Painter of landscapes and marine subjects

works and access

Works include: Off Newlyn - Sea Fog Clearing; Heather, a sketch; 'Neath the Shadow of the Hill; The Song of Sea-birds (1895); The Haunt of the Waterfowl; Marazion Marsh (1895); A Wind-swept Wessex Valley (1902)



Dowdeswells 1890

Notts Castle 1894

NAG Opening 1895; 

Walker, Liverpool


RA 1891-1901

Whitechapel 1902







Dowdeswells Exhibition catalogue

Hardie (1995)100 Years in Newlyn: Diary of a Gallery

             (2009) Artists in Newlyn and West Cornwall

Johnson & Greutzner (1975) Dictionary of British Artists

NAG Sales records (see Hardie 2009 for reprints pp51-64)

Tovey (2009) St Ives: Social History

Tovey (2022) Lamorna - An Artistic, Social and Literary History - Volume I - Pre-1920, Wilson Books

Whitechapel Exhibition catalogue

Wood (1995) Victorian Painters