Mary Ann Vernon MORGAN
'Mary Vernon Morgan, the eldest daughter of landscape painter William H Vernon (an Associate of the RBSA) and was born at Handsworth, Birmingham. She married artist Charles MORGAN in 1879. She inherited her father's aptitude, exhibiting regularly at the Society and at the RA over a period lasting 50 years, her favourite subjects being fruit and flower studies.' (Roger Langley (2011) Walter Langley, From Birmingham to Newlyn). Following in her father's footsteps, Mary herself was an Associate member of the RBSA from 1892.
Listed for this artist are four Cornish paintings that were shown by her at the Birmingham Art Circle and the RBSA, as listed below. As far as known she did not exhibit in Cornwall, though two were painted after the opening of the Newlyn Art Gallery which would have been known to her.
works and access
Works incl: In a Cornish Cottage Garden (1885); A Cornish Cottage Door (1886); Cornish Wild Flowers (1895); On the Edge of a Cornish Cliff (1884)
Birmingham Art Circle
RBSA; RA (1884)
RBSA (from 1892)
Langley R (2011) Walter Langley, From Birmingham to Newlyn Bristol: Sansom & Co. pp115-6; Bednar (GRO birth)