John Drew MacKENZIE is credited with being the instigator of the Newlyn Copper Industry in 1890 (see NAMI), designing patterns associated with the village and its industries in a naturalistic style which has much in common with the painting of the Newlyn School.

MacKenzie died in 1918, and from then on the style of the class changed; their heyday was over and the best work had, in the main, already been produced. Probably the two most important figures in the history of Newlyn Copperworks, apart from the founders, are Tom BATTEN and Johnny Payne COTTON who took over from MacKenzie and restarted production in 1920.

The painting by Stanhope FORBES The Young Apprentice, Newlyn Copperworks (see Berriman for reprint) depicts a young Johnny Payne Cotton being instructed by J D MacKenzie. The Industrial Class ceased production in 1939 with the outbreak of WWII. Tom Batten died in 1949, while Johnny Payne Cotton restarted production in the 1950s with John Curnow LAITY at Morrab Studio, Penzance.





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misc further info



Bennett & Pill (2008) Newlyn Copper: Arts & Crafts Copper Work in Newlyn (illus)

Hardie (2009) Artists in Newlyn and West Cornwall (pp130-4, illus)