Wilmot K COODE
London-born artist who exhibited at the first Sketch Exhibition of NAG in Christmas 1895 ( the second exhibition of that opening year) in which she sold Watermeadows.
At the age of 31 in 1901 (according to the Census), she was an art student of independent means, with two servants, living in St Ives. Tovey finds her as a contributor to the renovation and decoration of St John's in the Fields, Halsetown; she worked together with William Banks FORTESCUE to design a new oak altar and reredos for the Church.
By 1920 she had returned to London, and exhibited with the Society of Women Artists that year.
Painter and craftworker in ornamental design
works and access
Works: Watermeadows (1895)
Censuses 1871, 1891, 1901
Hardie (2009) Artists in Newlyn and West Cornwall
Johnson & Greutzner (1975) Dictionary of British Artists
NAG sales records [Hardie 2009) repr]
Tovey (2009) St Ives: Social History (p311)
Whybrow (1994) St Ives (1883-1900 painters list, p 210)